January 28, 2019

Conservationists Swim with One of the Largest Great White Sharks Ever Recorded

In a secret location off the coast of Oahu, renowned marine biologist and conservationist Ocean Ramsey, along with her team from One Ocean Diving, had the experience of a lifetime. These experts, who focus their efforts on educating the public about sharks and studying shark behavior, not only came upon a great white shark, but were able to spend a significant amount of time with the majestic animal.

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January 28, 2019

High-Tech Cat Treadmill Is Designed to Get Lazy Kitties to Exercise

It’s no secret that cats can be pretty lazy. The sedentary life of a house cat typically involves napping for 16 hours a day, and occasionally waking for tasty snacks. With little or no exercise, our feline friends can get a little chubby, which is great for cuddles but not so much for their health. That’s why Korean company Pet Ping has invented a cat treadmill with built-in LED lights, designed for kitty cardio.

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January 26, 2019

Stunning Photos Tell the Stories of the Congo’s Fables and Legends

In the heart of central Africa, the Mbomo district sits within the vast Congo Basin. As the world's second-largest tropical rainforest, the Basin sprawls across 500 million acres, leaving an indelible mark on the people who live within its wondrous beauty. Though the multitude of cultures that reside in the Congo Basin are intertwined in the environment, the area receives little attention.

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January 25, 2019

Artist Preserves Delicate Polish Lace Patterns as Street Art on Buildings Around the World

Polish street artist NeSpoon continues to push her craft to the limits. Year after year, she travels the world, leaving her lace-patterned street art in her wake. And 2018 was no exception, with NeSpoon continuing to expand her work beyond painted murals into ceramics and three-dimensional installations. A particularly meaningful highlight was her work on the facade of the Musée des Beaux-arts et de la Dentelle (Museum of Fine Art and Lace) in Alençon, France.

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