Woman Has Been Best Friends With Her 175-Pound African Tortoise for 22 Years


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Bringing an animal into your life is a longterm commitment. But along with the responsibility is the possibility of an incomparably love and a long-lasting bond. One woman named Caitlin Doran has shared a special 22-year friendship with her pet tortoise named Tiptoe, and shows what their daily livea together looks like with her thousands of followers.

Doran, who is based in Los Angeles, received Tiptoe as a Christmas present when she was 7 years old. At the time, he was about the size of a strawberry and could easily fit in her palm. However, with love and care, the African tortoise grew immensely, finally reaching a healthy 175 pounds. The pair have been inseparable through all of the ups and downs in Doran's life. “I had a difficult childhood. My parents did the best they could with what they knew. But some big signs were missed,” Doran says. “I felt like nobody could hear me, but Tiptoe was always here.”

The animal lover affirms, “I love my animals. I got them all at significant times in my life when I needed a friend.” Tiptoe helped Doran through her mom's cancer diagnosis, and coping with the pressures of adulthood. Just before COVID-19, Doran quit her job. It was during this time that she began sharing videos of Tiptoe on social media. “I focused all my energy on my animals. Tiptoe in particular. Something about him brings my mind to a hault. We go on walks, spend time in the sun and eat healthy food. He helps me slow down and smell the roses. He is everything.”

In these videos, Doran highlights what a tortoise lifestyle is like. Tiptoe receives regular walks around the neighborhood—a mile takes him about 40 minutes in total—and has plenty of social interaction with people and other animals. Doran's most viewed content, however, features the yummy and colorful food she feeds Tiptoe. This ranges from a simple flower or a piece of cactus to a platter of fresh fruits and veggies. Whatever is on the menu, Tiptoe always looks delighted with his snacks.

Scroll down to see videos of this amazing friendship, and be sure to follow Doran and Tiptoe's Instagram account so you never miss an update.

A woman from Los Angeles named Caitlin Doran has been friends with a tortoise for 22 years.


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Doran received the African tortoise as a Christmas present when she was 7 years old.


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She named him Tiptoe, and he has been a constant companion ever since.

Tortoises can live up to 100 years, so at 22, Tiptoe is still in his prime.


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He weighs 175 pounds, enjoys long walks around Doran's neighborhood, and likes making friends.


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A post shared by Caitlin Doran (@caitlinandtiptoe)

She began sharing videos of what she feeds Tiptoe, which ranges from flowers to platters of fresh fruits and veggies.


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Caitlin and Tiptoe: Instagram
h/t: [Fox 11]

All images via Caitlin Doran.

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Margherita Cole

Margherita Cole is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met and illustrator based in Southern California. She holds a BA in Art History with a minor in Studio Art from Wofford College, and an MA in Illustration: Authorial Practice from Falmouth University in the UK. She wrote and illustrated an instructional art book about how to draw cartoons titled 'Cartooning Made Easy: Circle, Triangle, Square' that was published by Walter Foster in 2022.
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