If you're in Los Angeles this weekend and want to check out three awesome shows in one shot, I would highly recommend going to CoproGallery in Santa Monica this Saturday night, November 7th, from 8pm-11:30pm. The gallery will be showcasing three of the most amazing modern-day pop artists, Stella Im Hultberg, Amy Sol, and Nicoletta Ceccoli. Since Alice recently previewed sets from of Amy Sol and Nicoletta Ceccoli, I wanted to showcase the works of one of my favorite artists, Stella Im Hultberg. Stella Im Hultberg's “Penumbra” reflects a transitional phase in Hultberg's life and thinking. This new body of work went through a transformation due her experience with a tragic family death and personal injury. While Hultberg's pieces have always dealt with various forms of personal identity, this recent chapter in her life has given her works a new twist. “Somewhere, deep down, identity is something I always base my works from, not just self-identity, but identity as life as well. I still believe that most of us spend our lives figuring out what it is that we're living for. Dealing closely with death and injury makes you realize the frailty of identity and life…Just that one moment you can fully exist and the next you can be gone” -Stella Im Hultberg
Dates and hours: Show runs; November 7 – November 27, 2009 Wed-Sat: 1pm-6pm Opening Reception: Saturday, November 7, 8pm-11:30pm Costs: Free CoproGallery website Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Ave , Unit T5, Santa Monica , CA 90404 310.829.2156