What a surreal idea! “The Patient Gardener” is the product of a weeklong workshop conducted by Visiondivision. Ten Japanese cherry trees have been planted in a 26 foot diameter ring (8 meters), and will slowly grow into their bent design. The saplings are being pulled toward a tower in the center that will be removed once the trees are strong enough and won't unbend. The Japanese cherrys will also be grafted with other trees to form handrails and stairs. The structure will be two-stories tall and even feature all natural furniture such as a grass armchair. So when will it be complete? We advise you to not hold your breath. The Patient Gardner will be ready in an estimated 60 years!
“Our intention with our project was to construct a study retreat at the campus with patience as the main key for the design,” said the participants at the Visiondivision workshop.”As time passes the trees will form a dome when they reach the tower, and then designated by to change its direction so the final form will be an hourglass, a suiting shape for the project and also a very practical form.”
Visiondivision's Website
via [Designboom]