After a weekend of sleeping in and doing whatever you like, it's no fun adhering to a calendar come Monday. The design and consulting firm IDEO NY figured that the dreaded day would be a perfect candidate for an image overhaul. Created for Studio 360's Redesigns series, the team – Karin Soukup, Erika Lee,Top Tulyathorn, and Ingrid Fetell – came up with the delightful idea, Notifly.
Notifly is a device that sits on your desk and lets you know when you have a meeting. But, instead of an obnoxious beep or buzz, it blows a bubble! The lighthearted, playful act will definitely make you smile and, for a moment, forget that you're at work. This fun concept is one way that IDEO NY is trying to turn your Mondays into Mon-yays.
The bubbling device also pairs with PopUP, a calendar app that looks at your appointments and draws attention to opportunities for joy. It might point out that you're getting together with a friend you haven't seen in a while, or that there's a meteor shower happening around bedtime. The app's design features colorful, animated polka dots intended to remind us that time is a collection of moments and each moment is an opportunity for joy.
Mon-Yay: Website
via [Swissmiss and aesthetics of joy]