Many of the images that you'll find on stock photo websites don't accurately convey reality. And sometimes, the difference between the real world and these sites' fantasy lands are so far apart that it's absolutely hilarious. No one knows this better than parents, who, according to these stock images, have perfectly-styled outfits, tantrum-free children, and the time to play video games as their offspring patiently sits on their lap. Parents and non-parents alike know that this is totally fiction.
On the Tumblr called It's Like They Know Us, witty moms submit an absurd stock photo of motherhood and add their amusingly sarcastic caption to go with it. This highlights the incredible contrast between the text and images, which mocks these idealized pictures by applying some cold, hard, truth to them. The Tumblr is a good laugh and a reminder that no one is perfect – especially when it comes to parenting.
It's Like They Know Us Tumblr
via [Pleated Jeans and 22 Words]