Photos: (left) Stock Photos from lev radin/Shutterstock; (right) Stock Photos from mccv/Shutterstock
Inaugural poet and phenomenal young woman Amanda Gorman—who left the nation in awe with her soul-stirring poem recited at the inauguration ceremony—continues to impress with her strength, eloquence, and wisdom. After the day's events, Gorman was interviewed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper. During their conversation, she shared her experience writing and preparing to deliver the inaugural poem and discussed the support she’s received that has carried her to this moment. Struck by the power behind her words, Cooper was left almost speechless at times during their brief interaction.
“I am the daughter of Black writers. We are descended from freedom fighters who broke their chains and changed the world. They call me,” Gorman recited, sharing with Cooper the mantra she says to herself before every performance. To that potent speech, he could but respond, “Wow. Um, wow. . . you’re just. . . you're awesome. I'm so transfixed.”
It’s not every day that an internationally recognized news anchor who has spoken to some of the most influential people in the world is left at a loss for words. Scroll down to see the full interview and hear more electrifying wisdom from Amanda Gorman.
Inaugural poet Amanda Gorman has left CNN's Anderson Cooper speechless with her powerful words. Watch the interview below.
Amanda Gorman: Website | Instagram | Facebook
Anderson Cooper: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
h/t: [Upworthy]
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