Internet sensation Taylor Jones, a Kitchener, Ontario-native, just put himself on the map with his website Dear Photograph. While flipping through old photos, he came across one of his younger brother sitting at the exact same table and chair he had sat in earlier. Jones thought, “this would be really cool if I took a picture within a picture.” Thus, Dear Photograph was born! The site has gotten so popular, the Conestoga College advertising grad ?”can't even keep track of media requests anymore.”
Always known to be online, and always one to be in trouble for it, this success has come as a shock. “I've put a lot of work into doing what I do, and I guess I finally hit that button,” says Jones. The submissions just keep rolling in, some with great captions that add a lot to the pictures.
Here are some of our favorites.
Why can't I concentrate this hard anymore?
I looked good in a tux.
I wish I treated you better when we were in high school.
I'll always remember the summers in that truck.
I miss that playground.
Thanks for reminding me how easy it was to ice a cake when I was 4.
Bring back that swing.
I drained 3's all day!
What an awesome way to connect the past with the present!