
October 10, 2022

Adorable Dog Crashes the Catwalk and Steals the Show

In Brazil, at the Miss São Mateus do Sul 2022 competition, the audience was treated with more than just a beauty pageant. There was an unexpected yet very welcome surprise to the event. A stray dog appeared on stage, elegantly strutting on the catwalk and stealing the audience's attention.

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September 30, 2022

Man Braves Hurricane Ian to Rescue a Stranded Cat From Rising Waters

Megan Scavo can be certain that she's picked the right man. Scavo's boyfriend, Mike Ross, recently braved the rising high waters of Florida's Hurricane Ian to rescue a terrified and stranded cat. Fortuitously, Ross's mother, Marybeth Ross, caught her brave son's impressive deed on camera, and Scavo posted the video on Twitter. Now the wonderful story of Ross's instinctive act to help the feline has inspired cat lovers and others in need of a hero.

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September 26, 2022

Wildlife Rescue Gets a Fresh Fruit Feast When a Truck Spills a Bunch of Watermelons

On the final day of the Annual Watermelon Festival in Farmerville, Louisiana, a produce truck carrying melons was on its way into town. The road conditions weren't great; it had been raining so the trek was slippery. That's when the produce truck began sliding and rear-ended another truck with a ski boat in tow. Fruit “went flying all over the road.

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