
September 7, 2020

Watch a Cast of Insects Take Flight in This Extreme Slow-Motion Video Filmed at 3,200 FPS

Summertime is full of insects, as moths hover around porch lights and fireflies light up in the night. While you've likely seen these creatures in passing, fascinating video footage will have you gain a whole new appreciation for them. North Carolina-based research biologist Dr. Adrian Smith captures these insects and others in extreme slow-motion flight. The footage features critters from eight taxonomic orders as they take off, flutter, and land in a tiny “studio.

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September 3, 2020

Woodworker Builds a Tiny Bar for His Local Squirrels to Hang Out and Enjoy “Almond Ale” and “Walnut Stout”

From a backyard obstacle course to a miniature restaurant, many woodworking artists have been using their skills to build tiny establishments for the squirrels in their gardens. In Hilliard, Ohio, the local fluffy-tailed animals are particularly spoiled, though, thanks to hobbyist woodworker Michael Dutko (of Duke Harmon Woodworking). He recently built The Nutty Bar, a wooden structure that looks like a real-life pub—but instead of serving beer, it dispenses nuts.

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August 28, 2020

Friendly Golden Retriever Has an Adorable Playdate With Rescue Dolphin at Her Aquarium

From an inseparable hedgehog and cat to a dog that befriends butterflies, many animals don’t discriminate when it comes to choosing a buddy. The latest unlikely duo to alert our cute radar is a Golden Retriever named Kevin and a rescue dolphin called Winter. The adorable pair first met online when the staff at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida sent Kevin a personalized video message revealing that Winter loves rubber ducks—just like Kevin.

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August 25, 2020

Incredible Dragonfly Photos Offer a Rare Look At Their Delicate Beauty

Astronomy professor Pieter van Dokkum has a special passion for photography. And in particular, an enthusiasm for photographing dragonflies. This led the Yale University educator to publish his book, Dragonflies: Magnificent Creatures of Water, Air, and Land. Over nearly 200 pages, Van Dokkum brings the reader on a journey across the life cycle of these magical insects. Part of the Odonata order, the winged creatures are found on every continent except Antarctica.

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