One decision can alter a person's life forever. Czech photographer Dita Pepe explores this idea in Self Portraits with Men, a fascinating series that reimagines the divergent paths her life would have taken if she had chosen different partners. In portraits that transcend class, age, and culture, Pepe blends in seamlessly with families that are not her own, using strangers and their homes as props for her exploration of a wide spectrum of lifestyles.
While the Czech creative's chameleon-like transformation is reminiscent of the work of famed photographer Cindy Sherman, Pepe's photos hold an extra note of authenticity in their snapshot simplicity, as well as the occasional inclusion of her own daughter in the family portraits. The series, which has been ongoing since 1999, offers an intriguing interpretation of the question of “what if” by illustrating the dozens of different paths a life can take based on one choice.
Dita Pepe's website
via [Photojojo], [Feature Shoot], [Lens Culture]