Photographer and digital artist Felix Hernandez visualizes his “thoughts, dreams, and ideas” through fantastical photos crafted from toy models, hand-built sets, and clever camera tricks. His latest project, Heartbreak, explores the negative impact we humans are having on our planet.
“Nature is beautiful, it's amazing, and we all are part of it,” says Hernandez. “But with our actions we are taking it down. When I look into the eyes of my son, it breaks my heart, knowing the place I'm leaving him behind.” Heartbreak is the first of a new series, in which Hernandez plans to use miniature animal figures to represent real people and ideas. He explains, “In Heartbreak the baby elephant represents my youngest son and the adult elephant represent me.”
The moving image shows the two elephants separated by a crumbling, heart-shaped crevasse that was caused by the weight of their own footsteps. The lifelike rock is rendered from sculpted foam, while the toy elephants and various model elements are added to finish the scene. After Hernandez snaps a photo of the set up in his studio, he edits it in Photoshop to bring his artistic vision to life.
“The message behind the series is simple,” says Hernandez. “Look what we are doing to our world, ourselves, our children with our actions. None of us are perfect and will never be, but we can all contribute in some way to leave behind a better place.”
You can see more from Hernandez's portfolio on Behance.
Photographer and digital artist Felix Hernandez's image Heartbreak visualizes human impact on our planet.
It's cleverly crafted from toy models and a hand-built set.
Felix Hernandez: Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Behance
My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Felix Hernandez.
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