Be a Woman is a series of photographs where simple movements like combing one's hair or reading a book are transformed into beautifully dramatic gestures. Created by photographer Hanna Seweryn, each image features a bright glowing light that illuminates the shadow of an elegant female form behind the backlit screen.
The monochromatic tones give the sensation of an antique photo–a moment captured in time from the past. The blurry, anonymous woman inspires viewers to create all kinds of sensational narratives about the very basic, everyday moments. Where is she? Is she waiting for someone? Is she lingering in sadness or celebrating her time alone?
The artist creates exciting stories through a creative vision that doesn't require many details. She says, “My camera is my most faithful friend. It has enabled me to meet wonderful people and to see seemingly invisible things. Thanks to this passion I can share the way I see the world…my world…enclosed in the shape of a square.”