November 20, 2015

Blindfolded Muslim Man Asks Parisians to Hug Him if They Trust Him

A Muslim man is working to promote humanity in the wake of the Paris attacks. Before the Place de la Rpublique, this man blindfolded himself and stood with two signs. One said, “I'm a Muslim, but I'm told that I'm a terrorist.” The other reads, “I trust you, do you trust me? If yes, hug me.” As time went on, dozens of Parisians embraced the man in their arms.

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November 19, 2015

Long Distance Couple Stays Connected through Split Portraits of Parallel Experiences

Korean couple Danbi Shin and Seok Li are two halves of the same whole–even if they're 6,863 miles apart. Since Danbi currently lives in New York and Seok Li is based in Seoul, the couple bridges the distance by collaborating on their Half&Half photo project. While they're on video calls, Danbi and Seok simultaneously capture a photograph in their different locations.

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November 19, 2015

Photographer Humorously Imagines Darth Vader with a Daily Routine like the Rest of Us

Polish photographer Pawel Kadysz imagines that Darth Vader is more like us than we might realize. In his series of selfies called Daily Life of Darth Vader, Kadysz shows that the infamous Sith Lord performs many of the same relatable and mundane tasks that we do, such as food shopping and cleaning the house. Sometimes, he likes to enjoy the great outdoors, too. The only difference? He wears an imposing mask.

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November 19, 2015

Super Chunky Hand-Knitted Blankets are Cozy for Humans and Now Pets

As the cooler temperatures roll in, it's all the more reason to wrap yourself up in a cozy blanket. The online shop Ohhio has the perfect companion to this chilly time of year with their super chunky, hand-knitted blankets made from 100% merino wool. Using thick and luxurious yarn, Ohhio-founder Anna Mo knits with extra-large needles to create giant three-inch-wide stitches.

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