September 1, 2015

Journalist Spends Four Years Documenting India’s Crumbling Subterranean Stepwells Before They Disappear

Tucked away on quiet streets far from the hustle and bustle of popular tourist attractions, in between the spectacular palaces, temples, and tombs that appear on the covers of guidebooks, an entire category of Indian architecture has faded into obscurity and historical obsolescence. Called stepwells, these centuries-old structures consist of deep wells that can be accessed via staircases plunging several stories underground.

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September 1, 2015

Space-Inspired Paintings Explore Mankind’s Journey to the Final Frontier

Focusing on iconic images like astronauts, rockets blasting off, and the cockpit of a shuttle, Brooklyn, NY-based artist Michael Kagan illustrates split-second moments of risk and triumph in his space-inspired oil paintings. Using a bold impasto technique, Kagan layers thick, aggressive strokes of paint on linen, never going back over what he's painted.

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August 31, 2015

95-Year-Old Yogi Believes We Can All Live to Be 130 Years Old

95-year-old yoga master Kazim Grbz believes we can all live to be 130 years old and has some solid advice to help us achieve this. When you first look at the yogi, you'll realize that he most definitely does not look his age. To keep himself looking youthful, Grbz works on maintaining his flexibility and focuses on eating a variety of superfoods.

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