October 12, 2023

These Kaleidoscopic Smart Lamps Turn Any Room Into a Mesmerizing Light Show

The easiest way to make your home feel like your own is with decor. From creative throw pillows to unique lighting fixtures, all of these touches are a reflection of your taste and style. And if you’re looking for a psychedelic pop of color, creative brand Hyperspace Lighting designs striking lamps that infuse rooms with mesmerizing displays. The HyperHedra series includes two light fixtures: the HyperHedron and HyperPyramid.

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October 11, 2023

Museum Shows What Happens When You Let Visitors Touch Marble Sculptures

In the hands of a talented artist, marble can become a highly realistic and detailed work. Understandably, the reliefs and intricacies can spark the desire to touch a finished sculpture in some people. But on top of endangering the piece by accidentally toppling it over, the act of touching a marble sculpture can also take away from the beauty of the material itself.

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October 11, 2023

Reuben Wu Shows the Power of the iPhone 15 Pro Max With Stunning Photos in the Desert

Photographer Reuben Wu is known for his fascinating photos that use LED lights and drones to create alienesque shapes in nighttime landscapes. This typically requires a large photography setup, but in Wu's second collaboration with Apple, he proves that the iPhone is a valid alternative to your typical DSLR. To celebrate the release of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, Apple asked Wu to take their newest smartphone out for a test drive.

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