June 4, 2023

16 Beautiful Wind Chimes To Fill Your Garden With Music This Summer

After a breeze, you can sometimes hear the soothing sound of a wind chime. Although popular today, this instrument has been around for thousands of years. In China, Japan, and India, wind bells attached to temples drove away evil spirits and brought good luck. The ancient Romans hung protective (often erotically themed) bronze tintinnabulum in their gardens. Now, wind chimes are used around the world for many reasons.

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June 4, 2023

Fascinating Animation Compares the Size of Extinct Animas With Their Descendants

When we think of the size of extinct animals, our minds might go to the large T-Rex in Jurassic Park. As frightening as that looks, there are other creatures that, while long gone, would've been quite scary to encounter. YouTube channel WTD has created a digital animation showcasing the sizes of extinct animals alongside their extant descendants. Let's just say that some daunting creatures of today had much more intimidating relatives in the long-since past.

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June 2, 2023

High School Seniors Playfully Prank Principal With Unexpected Sleepover at Her House

Every year, high school seniors across the country celebrate their graduation with a creative prank. While most of the time this involves decorating their campus, dressing up, or other antics, a group of students at St. Andrew's School in Middletown, Delaware, thought outside the box. The mischievous seniors snuck into their principal's house late at night and camped out in her living room area, leading to a stunning surprise that has now gone viral.

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