November 19, 2021

Frida Kahlo Painting Sells for $34.9 Million, Breaks Record for Most Expensive Latin American Art

Mexican artist Frida Kahlo is famous for breaking barriers during her lifetime. She became a famous female painter that rivaled her husband and fellow creative Diego Rivera in a time when women artists struggled to receive the same amount of appreciation. Over 6o years after her death, the feminist icon continues to leave her mark on the art world. Kahlo's self-portrait painting Diego y yo (Diego and I) sold for $34.

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November 19, 2021

Stunning Portraits Capture the Power and Beauty of Raptor Birds in Flight

British photographer Mark Harvey is best known for his equine photography, but that's slowly changing due to his incredible bird portraits. First spurred by his need to photograph animals close to home during the pandemic, his series of birds in flight continues to evolve. Raptors in Flight is the sequel to his popular Birds in Flight series. Owls, eagles, and other birds of prey are the stars of the show in these new images.

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