July 20, 2021

DNA Researchers Discover 14 Living Relatives of Leonard da Vinci

Imagine someone reaching out to tell you that you are related to one of the most famous artists in the world. For 14 people, this strange event actually occurred. Leonardo da Vinci scholars and researchers Alessandro Vezzosi and Agnese Sabato spent years tracking down descendants of the male da Vinci line. Carefully studying the genealogy of the family over more than 600 years, they found and contacted the living relatives of today.

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July 19, 2021

5 Incredible Works of Architecture by Legendary Modernist I.M. Pei

Chinese American architect Ieoh Ming Pei, better known as I.M. Pei, was a world-renowned modernist and designer of many influential buildings. In his early life, Pei was inspired by the gardens of Suzhou and by his time in Shanghai. After moving to the United States and pursuing architecture in university, Pei was disheartened by the Beaux-Arts style popular at the time and briefly turned to engineering.

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July 18, 2021

Who Was Isaac Newton? Get to Know the Alchemist, Physicist, and Mathematician

Isaac Newton is known for his work on gravity and calculus, among his many accomplishments. The discoveries and self-promotional efforts of one of history's most brilliant men stack up to a fascinating life. Newton would apply his talents in many areas. Light, music, the Bible—few topics were beyond his interest and skills. Just what were those myriad pursuits? Read on to discover Isaac Newton‘s monumental contributions.

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