July 21, 2021

Aerial Time-Lapse Video Captures Mesmerizing Movements of Over 1,000 Sheep

If you’ve ever seen shepherds herding sheep, you know how remarkable their abilities are. And while directing the farm animals looks impressive from the ground, the choreographed movements look even more captivating from above. Haifa, Israel-based drone photographer Lior Patel spent the last seven months capturing a flock of 1,000–1,700 sheep in the Peace Valley region of Yokneam.

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July 21, 2021

Jewelry Designer Crafts Colorful Bead Earrings Inspired by Famous Artworks

Do you have a favorite work of art from history? From Van Gogh’s Starry Night to da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, many famous paintings from our past continue to fascinate people today. Ukrainian jewelry designer Hanna Hupalo (of Namystynky) is one artist who takes inspiration from iconic masterpieces. She handcrafts beautiful bead earrings that allow you to wear your favorite works of art.

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July 20, 2021

Eye-Opening “True Size Map” Shows the Real Size of Countries on a Global Scale

When you picture a 2D representation of our world, what do you see? Chances are, you’re probably thinking of the Mercator map—a standard type of projection that’s been around since the late 16th century. Although it's useful for navigational purposes, the map is also misleading because the relative sizes of countries are inaccurately conveyed. Some places, such as Greenland, look huge on this type of chart, but in actuality are much smaller.

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July 20, 2021

DNA Researchers Discover 14 Living Relatives of Leonard da Vinci

Imagine someone reaching out to tell you that you are related to one of the most famous artists in the world. For 14 people, this strange event actually occurred. Leonardo da Vinci scholars and researchers Alessandro Vezzosi and Agnese Sabato spent years tracking down descendants of the male da Vinci line. Carefully studying the genealogy of the family over more than 600 years, they found and contacted the living relatives of today.

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