October 11, 2020

Vibrant Street Mural Transforms a Busy Crosswalk Into a Walkable Work of Art

French artist Camille Walala seeks to “disseminate joy through color and pattern” in her art projects. Her work runs the gamut from art direction to interior design to civic art and installation. Recently, she's skewed towards street art and unveiled her latest creation: a colorful mural that transforms a busy crosswalk in London into a vibrant and playful walking path for pedestrians.

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October 10, 2020

Ethereal Angel Sculpture Appears to Effortlessly Float Above the Ground

American artist Benjamin Victor is renowned for his incredible figurative sculptures that recall classical masters such as Michelangelo and Bernini. He is the only living artist to have three of his sculptures in the National Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol. Among Victor's impressive oeuvre of different sculptural works is a depiction of an ethereal angel floating above the ground.

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October 9, 2020

Blind Dog Gets His Own Adorable Guide Dog Who Doubles as His Best Friend

Meet Tao, the 12-year-old Golden Retriever who sadly had his eyes surgically removed due to glaucoma and eye disease that results in damage to the optic nerve. The now-blind dog recovered quickly; but, without vision, Tao struggled to play and enjoy life as he did before the operation. In the hopes of improving his quality of life, his human, Melanie Jackson, decided to welcome a new member to the family.

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October 9, 2020

This Half Christmas Tree Is Perfect for Those With Limited Space but Boundless Holiday Cheer

Christmas is just around the corner, which means you might already be thinking about getting your decorations out of storage. However, for those of you with limited space, a half Christmas tree is perfect for saving room while still bringing plenty of holiday cheer. American retailer Hammacher Schlemmer is selling The Against The Wall Christmas Tree—an artificial tree that’s literally cut in half.

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