December 4, 2019

Woman Creates “Memory Bears” From the Clothes of People’s Loved Ones

British student Mary MacInnes founded her own small business in March of 2014, as part of a local challenge for youth entrepreneurship. Using a start-up fund of only £10 (about $13) and her expert sewing talents, MacInnes began making teddy bears with a special secret to them. These stuffed animals were not just cute faces—MacInnes made them from the clothing of people's loved ones to help them through bereavement.

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December 3, 2019

Action-Packed Winners of the Red Bull Illume 2019 Contest

Every three years, the Red Bull Illume contest showcases the greatest images in sports and action photography. They have called this year's edition Image Quest 2019, and the winning pictures did not disappoint. The dynamic compositions capture breathtaking feats completed by fearless athletes framed by photographers with a keen eye for detail and drama.

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December 3, 2019

Adorable Litter of Maine Coon Kittens Look Like a Tiny Gang of Grumpy Old Men

The Maine Coon cat breed has earned the nickname “gentle giant” for their large stature and playful personalities, but take one look at this litter of newborns and you might think differently. Tatyana Rastorgueva, who runs, Casvill County House of Cats where the kittens were born, recently shared photos of the group of young Maine Coons whose tiny faces could double as grumpy old men. The five gray babies have characteristics of curmudgeonly people—including furrowed brows and upturned lips.

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December 2, 2019

Heroic Dog Helps Save Koalas From Devastating Australian Bushfires

Australia has suffered a devastating early bushfire season with fires spreading across several states. And while the impact on human life has been overwhelming, for koalas, it’s truly tragic. The bushfires have now wiped out 80% of their natural habitat, killing over 1,000 of the already vulnerable species. In fact, their numbers have dropped so low, that they were recently declared functionally extinct.

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