Things can get a little wacky in the midst of coronavirus lockdown. While the Getty Museum Challenge has people scouring their homes to recreate famous artworks, one couple (Fanni Kovács and Norbert Hosszú) has used extra time indoors to depict iconic movie moments doing the same thing—whatever is around their home is fair game for a film.
The couple shared interpretations of blockbusters including Scarface, Pulp Fiction, Men in Black, Up, and many more. The series highlights their ingenuity and how even the most mundane materials can be useful in the right context. This is illustrated, for example, in a scene from Iron Man in which Pepper helps Tony replace the power source in his chest. To recreate the moment when Pepper sticks her hand in his metal chest hole, the couple used an empty tin can instead. The effect, while low-budget, works and it’s recognizable as Iron Man—with the added humor, of course, that comes from it being a can.
Kovács and Hosszú are performers whose work has been hampered due to COVID-19. In trying to stay positive during these challenging times, they were inspired by their love of films and decided to pay homage to the craft. They had an advantage, too, when it came to securing costumes and setting up the environment. As entertainers, they already had clothing, accessories, and supplies at home to help bring these films to life.
Fanni Kovács and Norbert Hosszú have used their time during COVID-19 lockdown to recreate iconic scenes from blockbuster films.

“Iron Man”


“Pulp Fiction”

“Brokeback Mountain”

“Harry Potter”

“Men in Black”




“Back to the Future”

“Fifth Element”


“Indiana Jones”

“Love Actually”


“Star Wars”

“Mean Girls”

“Wreck It Ralph”

Fanni Kovács: Facebook
My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Fanni Kovács.
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