Designer Creates Stunning Dresses Inspired by Fairytales and Serene Scenes of Nature

The flowery words of poetry can transport people to the most incredible places. This is certainly an influence for French designer Sylvie Facon. Her work combines the creativity of poetry, the magical world of fairytales, and the art of creative couture to design the most enchanting wearable art. One of Facon's most recent creations is inspired by a morning stroll. The designer describes it as “an atmosphere imprinted with poetry in the whispers of water, the rustling of leaves, the beating of birds' wings,” which sparked her heart with joy and prompted her to create a design that honors the serenity of the early morning.

This textile includes a variety of textures from painted fabric, embroidery, and lace that come together to create this stunning silhouette. A whimsical morning sky filled with light purple, pink, and blue hues dances across the top of the one-of-a-kind dress. In the middle of the bodice there is a vista of trees that extend towards the lace that hugs each side of the form. Reflected in the water below, the trees and sky are positively enchanting. The skirt portion of this dress extends to the floor, and gradually moves from pink hues to blue.

Adorned with lace designed by Jean Bracq, the variety of textures of this design mimic the textures one might find in nature. Facon notes that she adapts the varying transparencies, lucidity, and drapery of tulle, lace, and other fabrics as a way to enhance the theme of nature. The different textiles created by Facon have the power to transport viewers to the most dreamy state of mind.

This poetic homage to the joy, serenity, and comfort that nature provides is manifested not only in this incredibly imaginative garment, also throughout Facon's portfolio of enchanting gowns. The textile artist's multifaceted talent for designing with fabrics of different textures gives dimension to her artistic vision. The fabric as her canvas, Facon aligns herself with the loose brushstrokes and soft colors often used by French Impressionist painters. This connection intensifies the significance of Facon's creativity and her ability to design textiles that are wonderfully unique.

To keep to date with the designer as she continues to inspire, enchant, and encourage viewers with her wonderful wearable poetry, you can follow Facon on Instagram.

French fashion designer Sylvie Facon takes inspiration from nature's boundless beauty.

Her dress designs are physical manifestations of the most elegant fairytales come to life.

Facon is also inspired by literary works, which are emphasized in the way she gives new purpose to the bindings of books.

The designer uses different materials such as tulle, lace, embroidery, beading, and found objects to construct these marvelous wearable art pieces.

Each gown is a true work of art…especially the ones that feature actual masterpieces like Klimt's The Kiss.

Sylvie Facon: Website | Instagram | Facebook

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Mia Santarelli

Mia Santarelli is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. Based in eastern Kansas, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Italian Language Studies from the University of Kansas and received an MA in Art History from the Savannah College of Art & Design. Visual storytelling mediums such as photography and film inspire her to capture her own snapshots of the most unexpectedly beautiful places throughout her travels. She also has a passion for learning languages, fueling her desire to learn more about different cultures.
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