Texas-based artist Terry Hays cuts, assembles, and paints sculptural works of art filled with ornate details, intricate patterns, and bold splashes of color. The resulting pieces, made of acrylic paint on wood or sintra PVC, are incredibly unique works that portray otherworldly scenes through eccentric, dizzyingly dense imagery. Fire, rivers, and the landscape are transformed into highly stylized elements dotted with demons, tiny human figures, and other living creatures in these striking, imaginative, three-dimensional paintings.
Hays' work is influenced by the cultures and traditional artwork of Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, China, and Japan, as well as the aesthetics of street art and full-body tattoos. He explains, “Starting with fragments of images from these various sources I began to cut up, enlarge and tape together various bits and pieces of imagery in an attempt to create a language of my own derived from all of these sources. Taped together to form a skin it was transferred to various found or built surfaces and painted to appear like elaborately patterned porcelain or cloisonn.”
Terry Hays' website
Terry Hays on Tumblr
Terry Hays on Ro2 Art