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September 26, 2024

Artist Uses Local Resident To Capture the Spirit of Brixton in New Mural

Spanish artist Sebas Velasco is known for his incredible portraits, which combine Old World sensibilities with the urban landscape. Most recently, Velasco brought his talents to southeast London for the London Mural Festival. Painted in Brixton, his large-scale mural shows a local resident with a train passing behind him. The best street art always speaks to its environment, and Velasco takes this philosophy to heart in A Lasting Place.

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September 25, 2024

Giant ‘Crush Nazism’ Monument Outside Oslo Train Station Honors WWII Resistance Group

Outside Oslo's Eastern Railway Station (Østbanestasjonen) sits a glistening monument to Norway's most active World War II resistance group. The sculpture, created by Bjørn Melbye Gulliksen, was unveiled in 2015 and shows a shining hammer smashing a swastika.  Titled Knus nazismen (“Crush nazism”), the sculpture celebrates the efforts of the Osvald Group (Osvaldgruppen).

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September 25, 2024

Powerful Oil Paintings of Emboldened Women Highlight Strength Needed To Confront Life’s Challenges

Renowned British painter Mary Jane Ansell, known for her hyperrealistic portraits, is presenting a powerful collection of work at New York City's Arcadia Contemporary that highlights how emotion can be used to shield and empower oneself from life's challenges. Loves Bright Armor includes a new oil painting inspired by Alice in Wonderland as well as work influenced by 17th- and 18th-century miniature portraits.

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