The Flood is a captivating series by Belgium-based photographer Harry Fayt that features Belgian soul singer Typhene Barrow immersed in an underwater world. Everything from a couch and coffee table to a chandelier and piano is submerged in Fayt's surreal, alternate universe, presenting a beautiful symphony of the human form weightlessly hovering in what illusively seems like mid-air.
There's a seamless quality to each image that masks the obstacles that Fayt and his team faced, including the laborious task of submerging every prop and controlling their position in the water. In spite of the technical hurdles, the photographer managed to capture his serene subject, who has remarkably hidden any sign of her nerves which were present just prior to plunging into the pool, amidst the artistically floating furniture.
This set is the first in a long series of shoots that Fayt tells us he plans on doing with different artists in the future. In the meantime, a selection of The Flood will be on exhibition at Fotofever Paris starting November 15th.