The word mandala, which can be loosely translated to mean “circle,” comes from the Indian language of Sanskrit. It is a geometric design that holds spiritual symbolism in Hindu and Buddhist religions. The basic form of each pattern is a circle contained within a square and arranged into sections that are all organized around a single, central point.
Miami-based artist Peter Patrick Barreda has been drawing these beautiful mandala designs for much of his life. To create a piece, Barreda first pencils in the symmetrical illustration, and then completes the sketch with pen and ink on acid-free paper. Each full circle represents what the artist explains as the “simultaneously unique and infinite arrangement of elementary particles that make up everything in the universe, from stones to stars to the spirit within each of us.” Just like human beings, each piece is different and provides individuality within the same basic unifying structure. The striking patterns and colors form this extensive collection of prints, all of which can be purchased in Barreda's online shop.