These Clever Web Comics Always Have a Surprising Ending

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

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If you're familiar with the comic strip format, then you're accustomed to finding the punchline in the last panel. And while sometimes, the joke can be expected, artist Ryan Pagelow always finds a way to surprise the reader. Since 2010, he has been the author of the dark webcomic, Buni, which features short amusing strips centered around a rabbit main character. And while the subject matter varies greatly within the comic, each strip ends with an unexpected twist.

Pagelow utilizes a wordless format for Buni, meaning there is no dialogue exchanged among any of the characters, though there is often text used in other ways. This subtle approach gives Buni a unique feel that makes it easy to read and enjoy without prior knowledge of the comic. In addition, since there are no speech bubbles, Pagelow has to rely on clear visual language to build the joke and ultimately land the ending.

There are many reasons for Buni's success, but certainly one of the most notable is how relatable it is for the average reader. Many of Pagelow's comics deal with subjects like procrastination, the challenge and relief of entering a new year, and the highs and lows of food, like eating untasty chocolate or drinking flat soda. And while the reader may start out thinking they know where the gag is headed, the Buni strip always surprises with a slightly off-beat conclusion.

You can take home a hard copy of Buni comics by purchasing Pagelow's book, read the entire series online via Webtoons, and keep up to date with Pagelow's latest projects by following him on Instagram.

Artist Ryan Pagelow is the author behind the whimsical dark comic, Buni.

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

This dialogue-less comic strip relies on clever visuals to convey the joke.

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni is also known for its surprising endings, which often take the reader off-guard.

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Pagelow finds humor in many unexpected places, using animals, foods, and objects as characters.

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

He always manages to find the twist in the story.

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni Comic by Ryan Pagelow

Buni: Website | Webtoons | Instagram | Patreon

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Ryan Pagelow | Buni.

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Margherita Cole

Margherita Cole is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met and illustrator based in Southern California. She holds a BA in Art History with a minor in Studio Art from Wofford College, and an MA in Illustration: Authorial Practice from Falmouth University in the UK. She wrote and illustrated an instructional art book about how to draw cartoons titled 'Cartooning Made Easy: Circle, Triangle, Square' that was published by Walter Foster in 2022.
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