
November 9, 2015

Meet the Lykoi: An Odd New Breed of “Werewolf” Cats

The stuff of nightmares, or a cat lover's dream? The Lykoi is a brand new breed of cat that is gaining worldwide recognition for its odd werewolf-esque appearance. The word lykoi roughly translates to “wolf” in Greek, and the feline's scruffy looks are credited to a naturally occurring genetic mutation of the domestic shorthair which prevents the growth of a full coat of fur.

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November 4, 2015

Man Takes His Dogs on Special Adventures in Custom-Built Kayak

David Bahnson knows that adventures are extra fun when you have friends by your side, and who's a better companion than man's best friend? The retired orthopedic surgeon, whose leisurely escapades are of the kayaking variety, decided to build his own kayak using a kit from Pygmy Boats. Once he completed his inventive construction, Bahnson realized that his dog Susie could easily fit inside the baggage compartment.

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October 26, 2015

Rescued Fawn Refuses to Leave the Man Who Rehabilitated Her

Nature lover Darius Sasnauskas beautifully captured the story that unfolded as he rehabilitated an injured fawn. It all started when a deer gave birth to two babies in his backyard near Yellowstone National Park. While one of the fawns was perfectly healthy, the other ended up with an injured front leg. “The fawn was helpless,” Sasnauskas told The Dodo. “She was just born earlier that day [and] still had some blood on her belly.

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October 20, 2015

Sweet Little Pet Owl Uses Mushroom as Umbrella During Sudden Rainstorm

Photographer Tanja Brandt‘s pet owl may not be a fan of rainstorms, but rain or shine he knows how to strike the perfect pose for the camera. During one of the artist's many outdoor adventures, it began to drizzle and her beloved 1.5-year-old owl Poldi took cover underneath an orange mushroom. At that exact moment, Brandt was ready with her camera and captured this adorably candid moment, made especially precious given Poldi's petite size.

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