
June 16, 2022

New York Passes Bill That Will Prevent Pet Stores From Selling Dogs, Cats and Rabbits

Puppy mills are known to be mass breeding grounds for dogs where the health of the animals are overlooked for human profit. Bunnies and kittens can also be bred in inhumane conditions similar to puppy mills. Many of these animals make their way to pet stores where unsuspecting consumers may not be aware of the cruel practices and hidden health risks of their new pet.

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June 14, 2022

Adorable Sheep Hops Across a Field for a Tasty Cookie

They say the quickest way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, and it appears that timeless adage also proves to be true for sheep. In fact, one adorably fluffy sheep couldn’t resist excitedly bouncing across a grassy field when he saw that his human was offering him a delicious treat. The enticing confection in question? A delectable cookie.

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June 8, 2022

Neighborhood Cat and Museum Security Guard Have an Adorable Years-Long Rivalry

Each morning, when the security guard at the Onomichi City Museum of Art in Hiroshima, Japan, arrives to work, he is greeted by two mischievous cats. Ken-chan, a petite black cat, and Go-chan, his ginger partner in crime, are determined to slip through the sliding glass doors when the guard opens them for the day and enter the museum. Every time, the security guard gently carries them back outside, to a chorus of meowed protests.

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