
May 15, 2023

Deceased Mom Becomes Posthumous Celebrity After Her Kids Publish Her Witty First-Person Obituary

A woman named Sybil Hicks died peacefully on February 2, 2023, at the age of 81. When she passed, her children knew that not just any obituary would do. Their mom had been living with Alzheimer’s for years, and the person they once knew their mother to be—quick-witted and outspoken—was shrouded by the disease. The siblings decided to honor their mother’s memory by writing a humorous (and often biting) first-person obituary.

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March 11, 2023

Dad Shares the Hilariously Ingenious Way He Gets His Kids to Smile for a Picture

Imagine that you're trying to take the perfect photo of your child, and they're supposed to flash their biggest, brightest, and most natural smile. But, more often than not, what ends up coming out on camera is something forced. Many of us have been there. Author and designer Adam Perry has developed his own trick when photographing his son, and the results speak for themselves.

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