Photo: ClaraBastian/Depositphotos
The idea of cuddling with a furry friend sounds heavenly to many. Though cats and dogs are common snuggle buddies, there are other creatures out there who are down for a hug. Krishna Cow Sanctuary, located on the Island of Hawai'i, welcomes guests who could use some “cow cuddle therapy” by embracing these unexpectedly soft and friendly animals.
Krishna Cow Sanctuary is currently home to bovines, including bulls, steers, calves, and retired mother cows, which you can get close to for the price of $20. “All proceeds go directly to the care of the cows!” write the owners of the sanctuary. “We network with local landowners, explaining the benefits of grazing cows. Currently our extended herd is grazing on over 130 acres of lush, year-round grass pasture. This unique approach to cow protection allows us to regularly rescue new cows and provide top quality care whilst keeping our costs relatively very low.”
As videos shared by guests show, this is no ordinary petting zoo. Cows participate in full-on embraces, happily dozing off in the laps of visitors, and even getting a bit sad when it's time to say goodbye. Like any house pet, they seem to love scratches, but they truly thrive when doubling as a pillow and hugging those who need a cuddle with their long necks.
To support the sanctuary, the owners also sell dairy products, explicitly stating how they put the cows’ health and comfort first. “Unlike commercial dairy, our ‘Ahimsa' dairy products are produced without any cruelty to the cows and their calves,” they write. Lactating mothers are milked only by hand, alongside their nursing calves. We never sell or kill any of our herd, and we are actively rescuing new cows as well.”
If you're ever in Hawai'i, the sanctuary is located north of Hilo. To learn more and make a donation or pre-pay your “cow cuddle therapy,” visit Krishna Cow Sanctuary's website.
Krishna Cow Sanctuary welcomes guests on the Island of Hawai'i who could use some “cow cuddle therapy” by embracing these unexpectedly soft and friendly animals.
Krishna Cow Sanctuary: Website | Instagram
h/t: [Reddit]
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