High Schoolers Surprise School Custodian by Gifting Him His Dream Car

Front view of red jeep parked in the street

Photo: NeydtStock/Depositphotos (Not a photo of the actual car)

The common belief is that you must not say your birthday wishes aloud, as this stops them from coming true. However, the opposite seemed to work for a man named Francis Apraku. Working as a custodian at James Madison High School in Vienna, Virginia, he has become a favorite among the kids for his kindness and support. When some students learned that Apraku's biggest wish in life was to acquire his dream car, they got to work to make it come true.

Last fall, as a group of freshmen were chatting with Apraku, he shared that his birthday was approaching. When they asked the custodian what he wanted for his birthday, the man confessed that he “desired to get a Jeep Wrangler.” While they couldn't do much on such short notice, six months after the conversation, they outlined a plan to get Apraku, who immigrated to the United States from Ghana a decade ago, his perfect vehicle.

“He’s more than a custodian, he’s a friend to us. He’s filled with joy. His kindness is contagious, and he just said that his dream was to get a Jeep Wrangler, and we were like, ‘Let’s get him a Jeep Wrangler,'” student Bennett Hibshman tells WTOP News.

The students launched a GoFundMe campaign, first sharing it with their friends and families. Hoping to reach a wider audience, they then sent it to different organizations and their extended families.

“One thing got to another and in the next two days, we had $5,000,” one student tells WUSA9. It was a long process, but they raised $20,000 by the beginning of September. With the help of a local dealership, they secured a cherry red 2015 Jeep Wrangler and put a bow on it to surprise Apraku at school.

A news clip captured Apraku's reaction upon seeing his new car. He had to be held by the students as he approached the scene in disbelief, before dropping to ground, feeling overwhelmed. “I don't believe this would happen in my life. I will give turns to Almighty God for making today for me,” he says as he gets into the vehicle.

The students couldn't have been happier with Apraku's reaction. “He’s just a really hard worker, so caring for everyone. He always has a good mood. He always says ‘What’s up’ to us, he’s always giving us fist bumps and stuff,” student Tyson Murphy tells WTOP.

“He puts a smile on everyone’s face every day, just a great guy,” adds Hunter McGee. “I'm excited to see him whipping it around at school, seeing him every day… he really deserves it.”

After custodian Francis Apraku revealed that he dreamed of getting a Jeep Wrangler, students raised money to get him his dream car for his birthday.


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h/t: [WUSA9]

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Regina Sienra

Regina Sienra is a Staff Writer at My Modern Met. Based in Mexico City, Mexico, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Communications with specialization in Journalism from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She has 10+ years’ experience in Digital Media, writing for outlets in both English and Spanish. Her love for the creative arts—especially music and film—drives her forward every day.
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