This teacher takes chalkboard drawing to a whole other level.
Read more: Artistic Teacher Captivates Students with His Sprawling Chalkboard Masterpieces
Teachers can play powerful roles in a young person’s life. Aside from their parents, educators are the ones that are with a budding academics day in and day out. They impart more than just knowledge, though. Impactful teachers offer wisdom and help a child learn to navigate through the world. Taking this role seriously, many educators go above and beyond to engage and inspire their students in everyday life.
Every teacher has their own way of connecting with their pupils. Some find common ground through shared experiences, and others are able to positively influence students through laughter. One science teacher, for instance, had a classroom rule: if a student draws something on their homework, he’ll add to it, too. This creative endeavor lead to unexpected and hilarious mashups. Another history teacher got into character by dressing up in elaborate chain mail armor complete with a noble sword.
While many teachers go for the giggles, others change students’ lives through their demonstrative compassion. These inspiring stories include special education teacher Chris Ulmer who spends each day giving a compliment to his students. “Simple reminders of their positive attributes shifts [the students’] focus from what they can't do to what they can do,” he says. And when another special education teacher named Kinsey French got married, she invited all of her students to be part of her nuptials. “They were my first class and they’ve been my only class and so I knew I couldn’t have a special day without them.”
Meet 17 teachers going above and beyond to delight and inspire their students.
This history teacher really gets into character for his students.

Photo credit: Ginger_Rogers
When his kids doodle on their work, this teacher adds his own creative drawings.
On the last day of school, this first grade teacher let her kids doodle all over her white dress.
When special education teacher Kinsey French got married, all of her students were invited to be part of the big day.
To make sure students get home safely, these five teachers walk with them every day.
While kids are a lunch, this teacher draws surreal murals on the whiteboard.
LEGOs are for more than just building—this teacher uses them to teach math to her kids.
This teacher appreciates his own shortcomings…with a sense of humor.

Photo credit: balconyscene
This professor couldn't find a projector, so he drew the world map by hand.

Photo source: youknowyouarerussianwhen
This teacher uses a punny sense of humor to motivate students.

Photo source: kiichu
To get her students excited about the human body, Debby Heerkens wears anatomically accurate spandex suits.

Photo source: Heiden
Special education teacher Chris Ulmer gives a daily compliment to each student.

Read more: Special Education Teacher Compliments Every Single Student to Give Them Daily Confidence Boosts
This math teacher found a creative and educational way to wish his students a happy holiday.

Photo source: curiosamathematica
This teacher levels with his students with a sincerely hilarious message.

Photo source: iam_fat_guy_
This instructor teaches students math…and to never forget their pen, because they'll have to write with an old-timey quill if they do.

Photo credit: masturprobation
During their summer break, a group of creative teachers turned unused lockers into a larger-than-life library.

Photo credit: Poma Magician
This teacher leads by example.

Photo source: Tea for Two?