January 17, 2021

These Incredible Works of Literature, Film, and Music Entered the Public Domain in 2021

In intellectual property law, public domain is a term used to denote a work free from copyright or whose copyright has expired. There are many ways a work of art, literature, or film may enter the public domain. Each year, many classic works become public simply due to the passing of time. Works published between 1923 and 1977 pass into the public domain on January 1, 95 years after their respective year of publication.

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January 16, 2021

Experience a Breathtaking View of Mt. Fuji by Climbing This Massive Roller Coaster Tower

Thrill-seekers at Japan's Fuji-Q Highland amusement park have long enjoyed incredible views of Mount Fuji from the Fujiyama roller coaster, or “King of Coasters.” But anyone unable or unwilling to ride the coaster, unfortunately, misses out on the elevated perspective and has to look on from below—until now. A new structure called Fujiyama Tower will let all visitors experience the same view of the mountain without the high speeds.

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January 15, 2021

This 45,000-Year-Old Warty Pig Cave Painting May Be the Oldest Known Animal Art

There is arguably nothing that makes us feel more connected to early humans than the innate desire to create art—namely to create art about the life around us, and we're still discovering these thousand-year works of art. In fact, researchers have recently uncovered a painting dating back 45,500 years, depicting the world’s oldest known figurative piece of art. The painting was found in Leang Tedongnge, a cave on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

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January 15, 2021

GE’s Haliade-X Is the World’s Most Powerful Offshore Wind Turbine

General Electric, or GE, is almost ready to begin the distribution of Haliade-X—the most powerful offshore wind turbine in the world. It is also the most efficient ocean-based design, which will help mitigate cost that often makes offshore wind power a difficult sell. The turbine includes either a 14 MW, 13 MW, or 12 MW capacity (measured in megawatts), a 722′ rotor (220 meters), and a 351′ blade (107 meters).

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