December 4, 2020

Study Finds That Pets Have Significantly Improved Lives Since the Pandemic Disrupted Human Relationships

Pets' roles as human companions has never been more important than in 2020. During this tough year, people around the world have faced the mental struggles of isolation. Touch—especially—has been hard to safely come by. In the absence of the ability to hug friends and family outside our bubbles, furry friends have stepped in to fill the void.

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December 3, 2020

The World’s Loneliest Elephant Is Finally Meeting New Friends After 8 Years in Solitude

Dubbed the “world's loneliest elephant,” Kaavan the 36-year-old Asian elephant spent three decades in captivity in a zoo in Islamabad, Pakistan. Ever since his partner Saheli died in 2012, he was living in solitude under poor conditions and with no contact with his own kind. Kaavan’s sad story broke the hearts of many around the world, and it even caught the attention of American superstar Cher.

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December 3, 2020

Best of 2020: The Best “Good News” Stories of the Year

The news cycle of 2020 has been dominated by fear, grief, and stress. This year has brought unprecedented difficulties to communities across the globe. Although it may seem ages ago, the year began with raging wildfires in Australia and the tensions of the presidential impeachment process in the United States. China was also facing the earliest cases of the deadly virus now known as COVID-19.

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