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Energetic Large-Scale Paintings of Splashing Ocean Waves

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

With an admiration for the ocean and a penchant for painting, Sydney-based artist Vanessa Mae creates large-scale studies of splashing ocean waves. Using acrylic paint, she creates depictions of waves that are paradoxically both realistic and deeply abstract.

Each of Mae's larger-than-life paintings of waves is meticulously composed of layer upon layer of paint. As her favorite subject is the ocean, she predominantly works in a range of blended blue pigments. These sea-inspired jewel tones are beautifully accented by the white, green, and brown hues that represent sea foam, aquatic plants, and sand, respectively. Vanessa Mae also employs different techniques in her practice, and describes her detail-oriented, color-centric style as “semi-abstract, abstract and in some cases verging on impressionism.”

To Mae, art is as much about the approach and method as it is about the completed piece. She views painting each large-scale depiction as an escape, and is most content when she becomes fully engrossed in her craft. “I indulge in the painting and drawing process in an instinctive and limitless manner trusting the skills that I have developed to produce original works of art,” the self-taught artist explains on her website.

“Although ideas for my paintings come from many different avenues,” she continues, “I believe that in the end my creativity is inspired by personal experiences, feelings from within, memories and impressions from the ever-changing environment around me.” Both an exploration of nature and a means of reflection, each sublime painting is more than an aesthetically pleasing portrayal of the sea.

See Vanessa Mae's incredible paintings of waves below.

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

Ocean Wave Paintings by Vanessa Mae

Ocean Waves Paintings by Vanessa Mae

Wave Painting by Vanessa Mae


paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

Splashing Wave Painting by Vanessa Mae

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

paintings of waves vanessa mae ocean art paintings studies of water abstract

Blue Wave Paintings by Vanessa Mae

And to really feel the motion in these wave paintings, check out this special effects video created by Helene Ngoc Anh Nguyen of Infamous Studios:

A post shared by Vanessa Mae (@vanessamaeart) on

Vanessa Mae: Website | Instagram | Facebook 

All images via Vanessa Mae.

Kelly Richman-Abdou

Kelly Richman-Abdou is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. An art historian living in Paris, Kelly was born and raised in San Francisco and holds a BA in Art History from the University of San Francisco and an MA in Art and Museum Studies from Georgetown University. When she’s not writing, you can find Kelly wandering around Paris, whether she’s leading a tour (as a guide, she has been interviewed by BBC World News America and France 24) or simply taking a stroll with her husband and two tiny daughters.
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