The egg is not the most impressive part, however, this is:
The egg starts cracking during the wee hours of the morning. By the time breakfast rolls around, the egg is fully hatched with the words “Fresh Eggs Daily” written on its yolk. From 6 am to 10:30 am, the egg stays cracked, which indicates the time they serve fresh eggs for breakfast. Once they are done serving breakfast, the egg closes and stays whole until the following morning.
Of course, they couldn't have created this amazing billboard without the geniuses at Prop Art Studio, who handled the mechanical engineering. Tell me this doesn't get you excited for breakfast!
Executive Creative Director: John Montgomery
Creative Director/Art Director: Brian Shembeda
Creative Director/Copywriter: Avery Gross
Art Director: Nathan Zuercher
Copywriter: Adam Rubin
via [Arab Aquarius]