Woodcarver Designs Whimsical Kinetic Sculptures Featuring Lovable Characters


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Uniquely inventive, kinetic art instills otherwise stationary pieces with fluid movement. Italian artist Amedeo Capelli specializes in this style, carving dynamic pieces of art out of wood that feature a colorful cast of characters. Capelli's work is whimsical, wholesome, and wildly detailed, as the artist uses a complex set of wooden gears and turntables to get his creations moving.

The focus of many of Capelli's creations, or, as he calls them, automatas, are animals. From a dancing shrimp band to a flying dragon and everything in between, all of his creatures are full of personality, often sporting bright colors, big eyes, and adorable expressions. Some of his work also features passive motion, such as hair blowing and capes flapping in the wind.

Due to the delicate nature of his art, many of Capelli's kinetic sculptures are miniature, often smaller than a human hand. This is largely due to the gear system that has to be built beneath all of his platforms. By turning a wheel, his animals—and an occasional human—spin, dance, wave, and much more, thanks to the thin wires that attach to their bodies to the gears.

Capelli also routinely posts tutorials on YouTube, teaching people how to make some of the kinetic sculptures featured in many of his videos. These step-by-step videos are eye-opening as they show just how much work goes into his automata creations, from the initial woodcarving to the painting and testing stages.

To keep up with what Capelli is currently working on, follow the artist on Instagram. If you are interested in purchasing some of his work, be sure to check out his Etsy.

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Italian woodcarver Amedeo Capelli creates whimsical kinetic sculptures.


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His pieces always feature a colorful cast of characters, including lovable animals and fairy tale heroes.


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A post shared by Amedeo Capelli (@stoccafisso_design)

His little sculptures move due to the complex system of wooden gears.


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A post shared by Amedeo Capelli (@stoccafisso_design)

Amedeo Capelli: Instagram | YouTube | Etsy

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Sarah Currier

Sarah Currier is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. Based in central Iowa, she is currently enrolled at Iowa State University and is working toward a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication with a minor in English. She loves all things creative, and when she’s not writing, you can find her immersed in the worlds of television, film, and literature.
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