These 7 Friends Dressed Up as Different Tom Hanks Characters for Halloween

It can be a challenge to coordinate large group Halloween costumes where everyone dresses as the main character. After all, in order to give everyone an outfit, you’ve got to rely on the lesser-known figures—but we all know that’s just not as fun. One group of friends, however, came up with a clever solution. Instead of dressing as a single movie or television show, they based their costumes on an actor and his iconic roles. For Halloween 2018, the group of seven pals dressed as Tom Hanks.

Each member of the group nailed every one of his memorable characters from Toy Story, Castaway, Apollo 13, Forrest Gump, Big, and A League of Their Own—as well as David S. Pumpkins (of SNL fame). The women go beyond dress and pair their outfits with the props that helped make a Hanks role truly iconic, such as the Wilson volleyball from Castaway and the giant keyboard he danced on in Big.

Coordinating these costumes was no small Halloween feat, and it's not the first time that the group has dressed this way. It's the sixth! They started in 2012 with Johnny Depp. “It was our second Halloween together as friends,” Auburn Salcedo, one member of the group, explained, “and we knew we wanted to do something original. We started discussing dressing up as our favorite actor but realized we all really loved Johnny Depp, and the idea to be different characters of an actor was created.”

The group, now in their late 20s and early 30s, live in different parts of the United States. Four of them still reside in Omaha, Nebraska, while two live in California and another in Colorado. They took a break from the costumes in 2017 but kept the tradition alive for 2018. “We have an annual girls trip that helps us to reconnect after a year of life's hustling and bustling,” Salcedo said. “We're all busy creatives and have a lot going on but seem to always find a way to stay in contact with each other. We're like sisters, really.”

These women have nailed their large group Halloween costumes. Every year (except 2017), they each dress up as the iconic roles of a chosen actor:

Every year my girlfriends and I dress-up as different actors for Halloween and here's every year in one image. (I was told this is better suited for r/funny instead of r/pics!) from r/funny

h/t: [Mashable]

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Sara Barnes

Sara Barnes is a Staff Editor at My Modern Met, Manager of My Modern Met Store, and co-host of the My Modern Met Top Artist Podcast. As an illustrator and writer living in Seattle, she chronicles illustration, embroidery, and beyond through her blog Brown Paper Bag and Instagram @brwnpaperbag. She wrote a book about embroidery artist Sarah K. Benning titled "Embroidered Life" that was published by Chronicle Books in 2019. Sara is a graduate of the Maryland Institute College of Art. She earned her BFA in Illustration in 2008 and MFA in Illustration Practice in 2013.
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