November 14, 2023

Artist Uses Needle and Thread to Create Realistically Embroider Hair

Whether it's a messy bun, a simple braid, or a decisive flip, embroidery artist Floor Giebels is inspired by the movement and color of hair. A recurring theme in her work is an image of a woman with her back toward the viewer, which allows Giebels to focus her creative energy on the hair. Using layers of thread to create depth and shading, her embroidery masterfully shows off the creative possibilities of the technique.

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November 13, 2023

Stunning Winners of the OnePlus Photography Awards Show the Power of Mobile Photography

Tech brand OnePlus showed off the creative power of its mobile phones at the renowned Lucie Awards. Held annually to celebrate achievements in photography, the Lucies is a prestigious event that OnePlus helps sponsor. And, as part of the celebrations, eight winners from the OnePlus Photography Awards were exhibited in New York along with other top winners from the International Photo Awards.

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