April 12, 2022

Iconic Photo of Artist Frida Kahlo Is Recreated Entirely From Colorful Pebbles

In the hands of Justin Bateman, colorful rocks can be arranged into just about anything. The British artist specializes in arranging pebbles to create temporary works of art based on art history and real life. One of his latest installations brings to life an iconic portrait of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo using hundreds of similarly-sized stones.

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April 11, 2022

Heroic Ukrainian Veterinarian Offers Life-Saving Care to the Animals Left Behind

Since the start of the Ukraine crisis, a large portion of the country's population has fled to safety. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, almost a quarter of Ukraine's population has fled their homes in search of a safe haven—this includes people escaping to other parts of the country and also those crossing borders to neighboring countries.

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April 11, 2022

35 of the Best ‘Bookface’ Challenge Photos You’ll Ever See

Though it’s generally accepted that you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, it’s hard to deny that some good book cover art can really make a difference. An eye-catching book jacket can make or break whether a reader snatches a volume off the shelf or passes it by as it sits collecting dust. And it’s not always about whether or not the book seems like an interesting read.

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April 10, 2022

Miniature Masterpieces Are Completely Painted and Displayed Inside of Mint Tins

Open one of Remington Robinson‘s Altoids tins and you'll discover a museum meant for a miniature masterpiece. For several years now, the Colorado-based artist has been making tiny paintings of outdoor and indoor settings en plein air and using empty mint tins to both store and display them. Each of the micro wooden panels is velcroed to the lid of the silver container, which Robinson uses to transport his art supplies to each unique destination.

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