March 4, 2022

Artist “Draws” Amazing Portraits by Weaving Thread Around Nails

Instead of drawing with pencils, Konstantin Hlanta “draws” with string. The self-taught artist creates vivid works of art by wrapping colorful pieces of thread around nails. By doing so, he renders human hands and eyes, and even animals in amazing detail. Originally a dentist, Hlanta began making string art three years ago. His favorite band, Linkin Park, inspired many of his first pieces, and he has been continually honing his craft ever since.

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March 3, 2022

40 Powerful Photos of Daily Life During the Ukraine Crisis

Though for some the war in Ukraine may seem far away, it doesn't take much for us to be reminded that we're all connected. When our partners at Depositphotos reached out to mention that they were based in Ukraine, we were grateful to learn that they were doing their part to shed light on what's really happening on the ground.

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March 3, 2022

Incredibly Realistic Oil Paintings of Women With Back Tattoos Inspired by Classical Art

Polish artist Agnieszka Nienartowicz uses oil paints to create incredibly realistic portraits of women. But these aren't just any women, they are women shown with elaborate tattoos. Draped across their backs are incredibly detailed compositions inspired by classical art. From Hieronymus Bosch to Guido Reni, the Old Masters see their masterpieces interpreted in a new, contemporary manner.

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March 2, 2022

Germany Accelerates Its Clean Energy Goals After Freezing Russian Pipeline Plans

All eyes are on the brutality of Russian President Vladimir Putin's unprovoked war on the sovereign nation Ukraine. As protesters around the world call for an end to the aggression and raise donations to support the fighters on the ground, the crisis has thrown into dramatic relief the interconnectedness of Europe and Russia. Specifically, many European nations are dependent on Russian energy supplies.

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