February 9, 2021

Kenyan Materials Engineer Recycles Plastic Into Bricks That Are Stronger Than Concrete

It's no secret that recycling plastic is good for the Earth. When not recycled, single-use plastics clog landfills and litter city streets. This is a problem across the world, and young Kenyan materials engineer Nzambi Matee grew increasingly frustrated at the waste accumulating in her hometown of Nairobi. She decided to invent her own innovative solution to help promote the circular use of plastics.

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February 8, 2021

Artist Combines Her Love of Bees and Seas Through Beautiful “Honeycomb Ceramics”

Clay is a very versatile medium with no end to its creative possibilities. That is just one of its many draws for self-taught potter Amy Gentry. Based out of Virginia, the artist started to develop her craft in 1989 when she acquired a slip casting business in order to make ends meet as she simultaneously pursued an equestrian career. Eventually, pottery won over her interest entirely and became her main pursuit and source of income.

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