November 23, 2020

These Remote Islands Will Be One of the Largest Wildlife Sanctuaries in the World

A series of remote islands in the South Atlantic Ocean will soon become one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries in the world. Home to only 244 people, Tristan da Cunha is a volcanic island that provides refuge to exotic and rare wildlife. It comprises a few landmasses, one of which is completely inaccessible. The total area of the islands is approximately 265,000 square miles, with very little room for humans.

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November 22, 2020

6 Jackson Pollock Artworks Highlighting the Progression of His Famous Drip Paintings

American artist Jackson Pollock is considered one of the greatest painters of the Abstract Expressionist movement. His signature drip paintings—which he began producing in the late 1940s—captivated the art world. Pollock redefined line, color, and pictorial space by finding an entirely new way to fill a canvas. Dedicated to self-expression, his large body of work symbolizes freedom of creativity and evokes the artist’s turbulent and passionate mind.

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November 22, 2020

This Intricate Blueprint Poster Charts the Golden History of Rock and Roll Music

UK-based art studio Dorothy is known for its clever infographics that combine educational facts with beautiful visuals. Many of their posters and prints test the knowledge of even the greatest enthusiasts. This includes their incredible gold-and-blue Rock and Roll Love Blueprint. This elegant screen print maps out the long history of the music genre within an illustration depicting the circuit board of a guitar amplifier.

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