Ambitious Couple Is “Traveling” to Every Country in the World by Recreating Traditional Foods for Incredible At-Home Feasts

Food From Bahrain


You can learn a lot about a culture by eating the food. The ideal way to do this is by traveling to the locale and sampling the regional cuisine. But as COVID-19 has wrecked countless travel plans over the past couple of years, it's forced many people to come up with a plan B. Like many others, Redditor Johnny_Banana18 and his girlfriend had their vacation hopes dashed, so they decided to “bite back” by reading and eating their way through the alphabet—one country at a time.

The ambitious endeavor involves reading a book about a country—in alphabetical order—and then cooking a meal based on its cuisine. The couple’s latest spread came by way of Bahrain. To help prepare the menu, Johnny_Banana18 asked for advice on the r/Bahrain subreddit. “When I do these country dinners,” he writes, “I like to make a variety of things including common meals, holiday meals, and cuisine of ethnic or religious minorities.”

After many suggestions, the Bahrainian meal included: ogaily (a type of cake), machboos (spiced chicken and rice), fish and sweet rice, khubz (flatbread), Bahraini kebab, baid tamat (scrambled eggs with potatoes), and harees (beaten wheat and chicken). What a delicious way to learn about a country’s culture!

This is the 13th meal that Johnny_Banana18 and his significant other have created, and they have no plans of stopping. To see what they are cooking next, follow the new dedicated Instagram account, Page to Table.

When Redditor Johnny_Banana18 and his girlfriend had their vacation hopes dashed (due to COVID-19), they decided to “bite back” by reading and eating their way through the alphabet—one country at a time.

Food From Afghanistan


Food From Afghanistan

Afghanistan (desserts)

Food From Albania


The ambitious endeavor involves reading a book about a country—in alphabetical order—and then cooking a meal based on its cuisine.

Food From Algeria


Food From Andorra


Food From Angola


Food From Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda

They've made it through 13 countries so far, with no plans of stopping.

Food From Argentina


Food From Armenia


Food From Australia


What a delicious way to learn about a country’s culture.

Food From Austria


Food From Azerbaijan


Food From The Bahamas

The Bahamas

Page to Table: Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Johnny_Banana18.

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Sara Barnes

Sara Barnes is a Staff Editor at My Modern Met, Manager of My Modern Met Store, and co-host of the My Modern Met Top Artist Podcast. As an illustrator and writer living in Seattle, she chronicles illustration, embroidery, and beyond through her blog Brown Paper Bag and Instagram @brwnpaperbag. She wrote a book about embroidery artist Sarah K. Benning titled 'Embroidered Life' that was published by Chronicle Books in 2019. Sara is a graduate of the Maryland Institute College of Art. She earned her BFA in Illustration in 2008 and MFA in Illustration Practice in 2013.
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