December 26, 2023

Unique 2,000-Year-Old Roman Mosaic Made of Seashells, Glass, and Tiles Discovered Near Colosseum

The elite of Ancient Rome lived lives of luxury and grandeur, enshrined with their families and servants in magnificent villas bedecked in luscious marble. It is these well-built, expansive homes which often appear thousands of years later in the archeological record. Uncovered on purposeful digs and even under city streets, the remains of these homes tell us a lot about their inhabitants and the time period in which they lived.

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December 25, 2023

Team of 30 Archaeologists Spend 5 Years Uncovering Ancient Egyptian New Year’s Painting

Archeology is often envisioned as a quest, whether it be digging for treasure or scouring caves. However, a significant amount of conservation goes into discovering and preserving the past. For a team of archeologists in Egypt, the last five years have been a cleaning mission. The group have been scrubbing dirt, soot, and bird droppings off the Temple of Esna's ceiling to reveal incredible ink inscriptions which were previously murky.

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December 25, 2023

Adorable 7-Year-Old Transforms Mother’s Day Recital Into a Spontaneous Dance Party

School recitals are often full of adorable moments. Kids not only get to go onstage for the first time to sing or dance, but they also get very excited about the material they are performing. Just ask a little boy named Zaid Albeiruti. During his school's Mother's Day recital, Zaid was so happy to hear one of his favorite songs, that he simply got carried away and started busting his own moves.

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December 23, 2023

These Are the Logos Used by Tourism Boards in Each U.S. State and Around the World

Places big and small have one thing in common—they all rely on tourism to boost their economies. And much like companies, they also need an alluring logo that both inspires new customers (or travelers) and represents what's best about their area. Have you ever seen the logo for the place you live in? Maybe it's colorful and fun, or elegant and simple.

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