November 11, 2023

Proposal For Seoul’s Newest Performing Arts Center Is Made Up of Five Futuristic Buildings

Melike Altınışık Architects (MAA) is one of five firms that were shortlisted in the hopes of designing Seoul's 2nd Sejong Cultural Center for Performing Arts. The firm's proposal, which was made in collaboration with BAUM Architects and Aliveus Landscape, is called The Spark and consists of five buildings that form a unified hub.

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November 10, 2023

Britain’s “Loneliest Sheep” Stuck at Bottom of Cliff for Two Years Is Finally Rescued

While was kayaking along the windswept shores of Sutherland—a highland Scottish county—and eyeing the beautiful shores, Jillian Turner spotted something unusual at the bottom of the tall cliffs. Roving beneath the rock was a sheep, wool coat vastly overgrown. It was totally alone, far away from its flock and trapped at the bottom of the cliff.

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November 9, 2023

Join “Thanksgiving Grandma” Wanda and Her “Thanksgiving Grandson” Jamal for Dinner in This Unique Airbnb Experience

Over the last eight years, Wanda Dench and Jamal Hinton have gotten together each year for Thanksgiving. In 2016, the pair became friends after Dench mistakenly texted Hinton, thinking she was inviting her grandson over for dinner. After a confusing exchange, Hinton asked her if he could still come over, to which Dench agreed, since grandmas wouldn't let anyone go without a plate of food. And so, a holiday tradition was born.

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