September 3, 2021

Bauhaus: 10 Facts About the Legendary Institution for Design [Infographic]

The Bauhaus was a legendary avant-garde movement and school first founded in Germany in 1919. Though it lasted a relatively short period before pressure from Nazi forces forced it to close, the work created there continues to influence architecture, art, craft, typography, and design. The Bauhaus was founded by Walter Gropius, an influential German architect and pioneer of the modernist movement—namely the International Style.

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September 3, 2021

Nike Closes Corporate Headquarters for a Week To Give Employees a Mental Health Break

As we continue in the midst of a global pandemic, adjusting to the new realities of day-to-day life has opened up an unprecedented dialogue about mental health. Some of the most striking examples have come from prominent figures, including world-famous athletes, who have spoken out and made their mental health a priority over their work.

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September 2, 2021

Mr. Bilk the Pet Rat Plays the World’s Tiniest Harmonica in New Spotify Track

You may have heard of Keyboard Cat, but there’s a new four-legged musician on the scene. Meet Mr. Bilk, the pet rat who plays the harmonica. Rats are famously intelligent, but Mr. Bilk seems to be particularly talented. His owners (known as spacecaptainz on TikTok) recently shared a video of him playing a catchy tune on the mouth organ, and he even produced his own track. Okay, so maybe Mr.

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